A Delta plane flies over a body of water

About This Report

The 2023 ESG Report is a summary of Delta’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach, activities and performance from January 1 to 31 dicembre 2023, unless otherwise stated. As many of our efforts extend beyond this timeframe, progress made during the first quarter of 2024 on long-term strategies and initiatives is included in this report as well. All references to “Delta,” “we,” “us” and “ours” are references to Delta Air Lines, Inc.

This report aligns with the reporting standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Our report reflects information regarding our airline operations, which is our core business. Monroe Energy, LLC (Monroe) is a wholly owned subsidiary of ours that operates the Trainer Refinery and related pipelines and terminal assets that supply jet fuel to our airline operations in the Northeastern United States. Monroe is operated separately, and, as such, information about Monroe is not reflected in this report. Consistent with the GHG Protocol, this report includes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from business activities under Delta’s operational control. 1 Monroe files GHG emissions reports annually with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which are publicly available. The publicly available Monroe GHG emissions report can be viewed hereopens in a new window. We discuss Delta’s climate lobbying activities, including those by or on behalf of Monroe, in the Climate and Environment section and the 2023 Climate Lobbying section.

Delta’s ESG Priorities

At Delta, we are committed to transparently communicating how we identify, prioritize and approach the ESG topics that are most relevant to our business, customers, employees and investors. We use a range of formal and informal engagement methods – including ESG-focused materiality analyses, ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders and our Enterprise Risk Management process – to proactively identify and address both existing and emerging ESG opportunities and risks. We use the findings from our engagement to inform what we disclose about our short-, medium- and long-term strategies and milestones, as well as our public disclosures on ESG topics.

We continue to refine our approach to understanding priority ESG topics in alignment with evolving best practices, voluntary guidance and the regulatory landscape. In 2023, we updated our ESG-focused materiality assessment to reflect changes in our understanding of the ESG topics that represent key impacts and evolving stakeholder priorities. This assessment was based on scientific findings, business and policy trends, dialogues with internal and external stakeholders, employee and customer surveys and data on potential financial impacts.

We used these inputs to identify the most relevant topics for our company and stakeholders from an ESG perspective, which is a different standard than that used in our financial disclosures and distinct from the concept of materiality as defined under the rules and regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and related case law.

As a result, the information described as material for purposes of this report – such as our strategies and milestones – may not be material for other purposes, including in connection with our SEC filings.

The outcome of our 2023 assessment generally confirmed the findings of our 2021 assessment and are listed below.

Delta's high priority ESG topics are shown, colorcoded for Environmental, Social and Governance topics. Listed under Environmental are: carbon dioxide and GHG emissions, climate change with a footnote reading 'Based on assessment of financial risks and opportunities; not specified in employee/customer survey', air quality, waste management and ecological impacts. Listed under social are: customer safety and satisfaction, employee wellness and safety, and diversity, equity and inclsuion. Listed under governance are: ethical business conduct and responsible partners and products.
  • Ambientale
  • Social
  • Governance
  1. The GHG Protocol establishes comprehensive global standardized frameworks to measure and manage GHG emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains and mitigation actions.
  2. Based on assessment of financial risks and opportunities; not specified in employee/customer survey.